Friday, July 31, 2009
Don't worry, that's the title of a play, I'm not creative enough to have come up with that tasty little play on words/phrase.
So, remember the post where I said I wasn't doing anything with my life? It was a lie. A blatant, terrible lie. I have been doing stuff and things. It's been great.
One of these stuffs that I have be doing is directing for a local theatre group known as New Play Project.
It's an entirely volunteer based organization, from the top to the bottom. I have worked with them in the capacity of actor, assitant director, director, supervising director (you'll remember this from December, or you won't, not sure), lead photographer (I add the 'lead' part to make it sound cooler), and more recently, financial manager (probably a mistake on their part). Try putting all of that on a resume. It has been great experience for me, and I feel like I get to put my schooling into practice.
Anyhow, what this all comes down to is that I have a show running right now. In the past I have been chastised for not being good enough at advertising to my family and friends. So here's your official invite. The show runs for the next two weeks (9 performances left) and the cost is only $5 a ticket (because we're cheap). However, if you're in town and you want to see what has been occupying me, and what will occupy me for the rest of my life, come to 100 N 100 E in Provo. You can even pre-order tickets here.
Also, if you check out the website, or the facebook event/group, you may see some photography by me. Not the best, but that's mostly because theatre shooting is a beast (low lighting that is ever changing, but that doesn't mean the actors stop and pose for me. Grrr....)
Oh, and cheers to having two posts in a week. I'll just go ahead and congratulate myself on that one.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Thank You.
Your diligence has not gone unnoticed. As our blog is titled "Yes We Are Still Here" (see above), yes I am still here. Not posting often (such classic blogger style), but it's never too late to start the comeback right?
To be honest, I haven't had much time to blog. No wait, that's entirely false, I'm not doing anything with my time whatsoever.
I took spring classes (which turned out very well BTW) but those ended in late June. I don't have a job right now. Sounds cool right? Wrong, entirely so. It was fun for the first little bit, but after my 3rd straight day of doing nothing but watching youtube, I was done with it.
Oh, our car died! You remember the one that was on it's way out before? Well, it officially bit the dust... because we killed it. Well, I killed it. I may or may not have discovered the secret to unlocking the airbags in your car... hit something. Seriously, try it. It works.
This lovely adventure all took place on our trip to Seattle. Luckily there was no structural damage to our car or to the car of the bride and groom, who we happened to be following...
"But if there was no damage to the car, why do you want to get rid of it?" Good question... um... you. Turns out new airbags run about $2,400, which is 2.5x the value of the car. So say hello to the newest member of the family... Honda!! (pretend there's a picture here). We recently celebrated the arrival of a bouncing baby 1998 Accord.
I started that reading thing again. You know the one with the books. With the words. It's been a while since I've had time for pleasure reading (rather than textbooks, ick). I decided not to make a goal, since my last one turned out so wonderfully (sarcasm). However, I do plan to read whatever I like, whenever I would like to. I figure that's a goal that I can accomplish! I have recently read The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, and am in the middle of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. They are both books.
I also do photography type stuff. I will now post pictures. These are from last night's "storm" (come on Utah, you call that weather). Although I must admit, lightning photography is going to be added to my list of sucky type photography (see: theatre photography). Oh right, the pictures (click on them for better resolution):This is at the Provo Temple, which I also took pictures of, but I may post those later.
A bus stop outside the gates of the temple, this is one of my favorites.
These two have no lightning (a little lens flare) but I still love them anyways.
(Oh and sorry if this post seems a little disjointed, I'm a little rusty...)